SPIRIT PRO Extension for inclusion of patient-reported outcomes in clinical trials protocols

Published by ECRIN

Clinical Trials ToolkitPCOM

Extension of the SPIRIT (Standard protocol items: recommendations for interventional trials) guideline, SPIRIT PRO provides guidelines for inclusion of patient-reported outcomes in clinical trial protocols.

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PedCRIN list of Tools

Published by ECRIN

PediatricClinical Trials Toolkit

PedCRIN developed a series of tools (WP3) and procedures to support the setup and the management of multinational neonatal and paediatric clinical trials in Europe. These tools are developed to train and support researchers and clinicians so they can establish, run, and manage both paediatric and neonatal multinational clinical trials in a more effective and easier way. The removal of barriers to trial management will speed up the evaluation of new and improved therapies.

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