The ITF is a multidisciplinary EMA group that includes scientific, regulatory and legal competences. It was set up to ensure coordination across the Agency and to provide a forum for early dialogue with applicants on innovative aspects in medicines development. Area of interest: innovative therapeutics and techniques, innovative development methods, borderline products.
From the first request by the applicant, the procedure lasts approximately 8-10 weeks (ITF Secretariats confirms eligibility criteria approx. within 2 weeks; when confirmed, then approx. 2 weeks about experts’ involvement + meeting date after 4-6 weeks).

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Qualification of novel methodologies for drug development: guidance to applicants (EMA/CHMP/SAWP/72894/2008). 2013

Published by EMA

Scientific AdviceEMA Qualification

The EMA Qualification process is a new, voluntary, scientific pathway leading to either a CHMP Qualification opinion or a qualification advice on innovative methods or drug development tools

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The ITF is a multidisciplinary EMA group that includes scientific, regulatory and legal competences. It was set up to ensure coordination across the Agency and to provide a forum for early dialogue with applicants on innovative aspects in medicines development. Area of interest: innovative therapeutics and techniques, innovative development methods, borderline products.
From the first request by the applicant, the procedure lasts approximately 8-10 weeks (ITF Secretariats confirms eligibility criteria approx. within 2 weeks; when confirmed, then approx. 2 weeks about experts’ involvement + meeting date after 4-6 weeks).

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Procedures set up by many (but not all) National Member State to offer scientific advice to developers of new medicines. The procedures can be similar but often less formal than for CHMP scientific advice/protocol assistance at the EMA; they may include written advice and/or face-to-face meetings. The procedures are not limited only to orphan product development and may vary between Member States.

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EMA Framework for stakeholder’s engagement – patients, academia, healthcare professionals

Published by IRDiRC

Research and Drug DevelopmentRegulatory AffairsEarly Access SupportScientific AdviceStakeholder EngagementHealthcare Professional

The Agency has been interacting with its stakeholders since its inception. These stakeholder relations have evolved over time and the type and degree of interaction is varied depending on the stakeholder groups and fields of Agency activity.

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